Thank you volunteers!

A big thank you to all the families and staff that signed up to care for our garden over the summer months.

If you and your family are interested in caring for the CEL Garden in the future, please contact Mrs. Van Orden at or Any family who volunteers will be able to pick and take home any ripe crops.

Mrs. Van Orden

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Garden Journal Writing by Mrs. Van Orden's Class

Temperature:  71 F
Weather: cloudy

Today I planted sunflowers. I especially liked  looking at the blueberries.
Tyler G.

Today I planted sunflowers. I especially like seeing the blueberries because they are getting big.
Zach D.

Today we planted sunflowers. I especially liked seeing the spider, the black ant, the red ant, and the baby dragonfly in the garden.
Luke L.

Today I helped plant sunflowers and carried bags of mulch.

Today in the garden I raked the mulch and liked seeing the blueberries.

What I did in the garden was planted sunflowers.  I liked seeing two carrots growing bigger than the rest.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Growing, growing, growing...

This will be our first season with several different vegetables including; carrots, green beans, green peppers, and cucumbers.  We have two blueberry bushes already producing fruit! We are planting watermelon seeds this week which will be ready in time for our summer school program to enjoy.  I am very excited for our very first successful harvest of fruits and vegetables.  The students had so much fun starting these plants from seed and watching them grow.

I would like to thank Mrs. Gellner's class for creating our garden scarecrow, Bob. Hopefully he will keep little critters away from our plants.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

We are hard at work mulching, weeding and adding new soil to our raised beds.  The students have also started green pepper plants from seed.  We are watching and waiting for them to sprout.  When they are big enough, we will transplant them into the garden. 

Monday, April 30, 2012


In the garden today...

April 30, 2012.   Today in the garden we made some observations.  While outside watering the blueberry plants we noticed that the strawberry plants never sprouted.  We did find some carrots sprouting where we planted them last year.

We planted Morning Glorys in our classroom, when they get bigger we will transplant them into the garden.

Thank you to Mrs. Gellner's Class for starting the cucumber plants from seed. We look forward to watching them grow!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012